Thursday, April 29, 2004


What the RFID Industry can Learn from Nanotechnology (The RFID Weblog)

    In an article at TechCentralStation, Instapundit writes about his fears that the nanotechnology industry is setting itself up for a PR disaster. It's all because that industry's very own spokespersons are mishandling criticism, he says.

    There is a corollary between the nanotechnology industry and the RFID industry. Both are technologies that are not widely understood by the public. Lack of understanding gives rise to fears -- both the legitimate kind and the overblown, unsubstantiated, sci-fi inspired kind.

    Yet, it is the way the nanotechnology industry is handling those fears that creates the problem, according to Instapundit. He points out his concern is an industry that does not effectively address legitimate concerns, and doesn't anticipate and forestall issues. The nanotech industry group is even alienating its supporters, he says, just because those supporters are openly discussing legitimate issues.

    I bring this all up here because the RFID industry can learn a lesson from the nanotech industry. More

A much-awaited tech IPO–and it's not Google (James Pethokoukis, U.S. News & World Report)

    Nanotech may indeed be transformative technology, as its proponents claim—one that will change, well, pretty much everything. But just as with the Internet, figuring out who will make money in the nanotech revolution and how they will do it is another matter altogether. More

Meet Dr DNA, your own nanocomputer (ABC Online)

    The sci-fi vision of a molecular medical team that is injected into a patient, coursing through the bloodstream to diagnose and treat disease, has taken a step nearer to reality, a new study says.

    An Israeli team says it has made a computer made of DNA that, in controlled lab conditions, identified cancer cells and unleashed a molecule to disable them.

    The team, from Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science, published its work in today's issue of the journal Nature. More

Texas schools get $10 million for nanotech research (Associated Press)

    A group of six Texas universities will share $10 million from the Department of Defense to conduct nanotechnology research, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison said Wednesday.

    The money will help the schools investigate nanotechnology, a field of study which deals with objects and materials at the atomic and molecular level.

    The funds, approved by Congress last year at Hutchison's request, will fund the Strategic Partnership for Research in Nanotechnology. More


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