Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Venezuelan natural nano resource

smartkidProud papa Luis Mavilla writes that his 13-year-old son, Peter Alexander Mavilla, has caught a bad case of the nanobug. When the Venezuelan youth decided that nanotechnology was just so cool that he had to learn more, the first thing he did was register as a free online member of that notorious purveyor of childhood nanofear, the Foresight Institute.

Peter is developing a project on basic nanotechnology concepts to be presented at the next science fair at his school and at a youth science fair promoted by AsoVAC, the Venezuelan Association for the Advancement of Science.

Peter's a science fair veteran. In 2003, he won first prize at the AsoVAC Festival for a cake that is able to provide one-third of the daily nutritional requirements for kids between 11 and 15 years old.

Sounds to me that when it comes to assuring Venezuela's future in nanoscience, Peter takes the cake.

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