From liquidcross,
I give you "Sociology and Science in the World of Pokémon":
begin with the items every Pokémon trainer worth their salt has
a boatload of: PokéBalls. These softball-sized spheres are what
Pokémon are stored in when they're not out and about. This
wouldn't seem remarkable, except for the fact that almost every single
Pokémon is considerably larger than a PokéBall. Some of
them are more than twice the size of humans, for crying out loud! Yet,
they can still be crammed into a transport device that fits into your
hand. So we're talking some impressive miniaturization technology here,
at the very least. Now, when you miniaturize an object by reducing the
space between individual atoms, the object's mass remains constant. So
if you've got a Pokémon that has a mass of a few hundred
kilograms, it'll still be that hefty when stored in a PokéBall.
The obvious solution? The PokéBalls also contain some type of
null-gravity and inertial damping systems; null-gravity to make it
possible to move them, and inertial damping to make it possible to stop
them after being in motion.
... Finally,
we've got the Pokémon Centers, which are both
hangouts for trainers, access points for the computer storage system,
and hospitals for injured Pokémon. The latter is what I'm going
to focus on. Using nanotechnology and/or regenerative medical fields,
these facilities can bring any and all Pokémon back to perfect
health in a manner of seconds, free of charge. It makes you wonder what
kind of healthcare system they have for people. More
1 comment:
My younger brother has been badgering me to find a scientific part of Pokemon. Thank you for your blog that has enlightened me. I now get $10 from him!
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