Monday, November 01, 2004

Not your father's 'shop' class

Vocational ed embraced by college-bound (The Charlotte Observer)

    ... voc-tech has gone high-tech. As school districts educate for a new economy, the stereotypical shop class is being replaced by courses in digital communication, bioengineering and nanotechnology.

    The word "vocational" has become taboo -- it's now called career and technical education -- and with the new name has come a more advanced curriculum.

    ... In South Carolina, Fort Mill High is one of about 100 high schools offering engineering courses for high school and college credit. Next month, students at 10 S.C. schools will watch a live broadcast of heart surgery. And starting next year, S.C. officials hope to offer classes in bioengineering, aerospace engineering and nanotechnology. More here

NanoBot Backgrounder
I got Study Hall, PhysEd, Shop, then ... Nanoscience? Whaaaa!?
The children are our nano future
Hey kids, wanna be cool?

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