Thursday, March 03, 2005

Intel: 65 nano? No prob ... we hope

Intel Says New Chip-Making Technology on Target (Reuters)

    Intel Corp., the world's largest chip maker, is seeing good results with an advanced manufacturing technology it plans to use in products next year, an executive said on Wednesday.

    The Santa Clara, California-based company today produces chips with features as small as 90 nanometers, or billionths of a meter. Its plants in Oregon, Arizona and Ireland are currently being upgraded to handle 65-nanometer production, improving efficiency and cutting per-unit production costs.

    "All indications today, right now, is that we will be good on 65 nanometers," said Steven Grant, a vice president in Intel's technology and manufacturing group, at a company-hosted technology conference. "It's in very good shape."

    ... Intel stumbled through several product introductions last year, with at least one delay caused by a manufacturing glitch. The company has tried to put those missteps behind it, and executives have reiterated repeatedly at the conference here that its product introduction plans are on target.

    ... Grant, however, said he was not yet ready to declare the 65-nanometer technology was home free.

    "There are still some problems to fix," he said. More here

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