Another nano news item has me reaching for my notebook today, this one from Intel and Zyvex. Intel is figuring out how to keep computers cool, using carbon nanotube material from Zyvex.
Zyvex CEO Tom Cellucci told me about this impending deal a few weeks ago and discussed the business strategy behind peddling a nanotube process rather than the tubes, themselves. Cellucci was the guy who was brought on board about a year ago to transform Zyvex from a science project into an actual business. So, the first thing he did was try to figure out what the unsatisfied needs were. The company placed nanotech into three different "buckets" -- "tools, materials and structures."
We're interested in the processing of carbon nanotubes to make things like composites and things of this nature, to get closer to the application. That was a good move. And we've produced something called the ZPM, Zyvex Processed Nanotubes, which have done quite well for us." OK. Write that down, nanobusiness students: Spewing tubes won't get you an appointment anymore, but scraping them up and figuring out who needs them and why just might get you a deal with Intel. You Click, You Buy Science and Application of Nanotubes |
Friday, February 27, 2004
Nanotube Business 101
Posted by
Howard Lovy
2/27/2004 05:25:00 PM
A gem at The Emerald
I couldn't figure out why I liked this column from a student journalist at the Oregon Daily Emerald until I recognized the familiar ring: It sounded a lot like me at my college paper back in 1985. Poor kid. Despite the crankiness beyond his years, he just might make it in the news biz. Here's an excerpt from eager young news cadet Travis Willse:
- For one, given that most students are just beginning their tenures in the arena of public dialogue, unjustifiable zealotry can usually be chalked up to the impetuousness of youth and novelty. Moreover, I naively suggest that students calling for an end to nanotechnology research because it has potential military applications, or for a stop to animal research because they believe it has no material value, do so largely out of concern for the quality of the world around them. (Professors promulgating irresponsible rhetoric don't have this excuse.) But the road to the hell that is philosophical incoherence is paved with good intentions.
Posted by
Howard Lovy
2/27/2004 02:56:00 PM
Difficult to be dispassionate
A great many people have reacted to my Small
Times column from last November, and subsequent NanoBot
that used the alleged MMR/autism link to illustrate a larger point
about the disconnect between scientists and "consumers" of science.
It's an emotional issue, since it involves my child and the children of
the parents who have written to me, making it difficult to remain
dispassionate. I certainly understand and respect the views of parents
who have reached different conclusions than I have. A wide-ranging
discussion on the autism/MMR issue can be found here,
as well as many other sites.
I've been quoting nanoscientist Carlo Montemagno a great deal these days, but let me go back to my interview with him one more time for some words that I find appropriate. He's talking about the nanoparticles/environment issue -- and I realize the analogy does not work on all levels -- but I found the sentiment appropriate, nontheless.
Montemagno It does have an effect on me. It always has an effect on me. I work really hard at trying to educate people and also being honest. People are worried about nanoparticles, in Europe mostly now. Immediately what ends up happening is that people who don't know anything, they speculate that it's deadly. Scientists step back and say, 'Oh, that's not a problem at all.' You know what the answer is? We don't know. It hasn't been studied and we don't know. I think what has to happen is an honest dialogue. Say, 'Look, I don't know the answer. There may be a problem, may not be a problem, we have to study it. We don't know the answers. You going out off the deep end and saying it's a problem without any data is just as wrong as me telling you there is no problem with no data. You Click, You Buy Asperger Syndrome or High-Functioning Autism?
Asperger Syndrome, the Universe and Everything
Asperger's Syndrome: A Guide for Parents & Professionals
Asperger Syndrome: A Practical Guide for Teachers
Eating an Artichoke: A Mother's Perspective on Asperger Syndrome
Posted by
Howard Lovy
2/27/2004 11:01:00 AM
Labels: Nanotech Perceptions
The Nano Mikado
By Marc Abrahams
It's elementary.
I know I'm just an atom,
Down in the lowest stratum
Of humblest society.
From what I learned in school
I know I should be bonding.
My parents are desponding
Because I'm not a molecule.
My future seems so, so, so very miniscule.
What if I dream of bigger things?
They will object.
Oh, sorrow!
They say I'm made of tiny strings.
Are they correct?
Oh, sorrow, sorrow!
I feel some larger force
From some enormous source.
I dream of inter--.
Can we connect?
Tomorrow? Tomorrow?
Posted by
Howard Lovy
2/27/2004 09:14:00 AM
Cryonics running hot and cold
Future Timeline: Futurist Re-animated Today:
Meanwhile, back in our "when," Alcor celebrates a victory over the state of Arizona. But how can they stay cool in such a dry heat?
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2/27/2004 08:44:00 AM
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The (Nano) Apprentice
From USA
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Posted by
Howard Lovy
2/27/2004 08:08:00 AM
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Posted by
Howard Lovy
2/27/2004 07:50:00 AM
News in a NanoSecond
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Posted by
Howard Lovy
2/27/2004 04:55:00 AM
Thursday, February 26, 2004
Carlo's just a Copycat
I've had Carlo
Montemagno on my mind the past
couple of days, partly because he made the news recently with his
spectacular microcyborg,
and partly because I'm working on a Small Times magazine
column that incorporates some of his work. I'm in geek heaven when I
take the time out from various duties just to go through some of my old
interviews with brilliant people like Montemagno who, to paraphrase ZZ
Top, not only got knowledge, but know how to use it. The winner of the 2003 Foresight Institute Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology is really just a big copycat. He's obsessed with imitating nature. I can't blame him, really, since nanomachines are all around us, just waiting for magicians like Montemagno to figure out how they work. In addition to his incredible achievement in making a microrobot move by muscle power, Montemagno is working on another project that might not make for such spectacular headlines, but in the long run will make a bigger splash in the world. I'll roll the tape and give you a peak into Montemagno's mind. Last fall, I gave him my usual prelude about how I try to write to a lay audience, and I thought his answers were beautifully understandable. But I made the mistake of calling him a "science guy," so he quickly interrupted to set me straight:
Me: So, what's the end game for you? Montemagno: My end game is focused on making devices that have embedded intelligence and which, the component pieces, when I put them together, the functionality is greater than the functionality of the individual pieces. ... I take all these building blocks and I put them all together and these building blocks, by the interactions with one another, they elicit properties which are not manifest by any individual building blocks. It's the difference between pressure and molecular reaction. At the nanoscale, pressure doesn't exist. Right? Molecules bang into one another. In the aggregate, pressure emerges as a result of all these molecules banging together. And there are numerous properties which emerge, particularly in biological systems, as a result of these molecules all interacting together that reveals sophisticated behaviors. Me: Can you give me a practical example? Montemagno: The example that I'm most focused on
right now is making
nanosize particles that transport information very much like neurons
do. How do I do that? I take a membrane, an engineered membrane which I
make, I take some molecules that allow the flow of calcium or
potassium, I take another molecule that pumps potassium, and I put them
all together. When I put them all together, what happens is
collectively they generate an electrical signal. If I do it properly,
they'll make an oscillator and they'll keep on pumping the signal. But the parts don't do that. It's something that emerges as a result. I see that as a tableau for trying to make embedded materials, or smart materials. The smartness is part of the way the molecules interact with one another.
He told me that he's reached a level in the lab where
molecules are sorted and protons pumped. The next stop, and relatively
soon, is commercialization. What kind of useful product will come out
of this mess-o-molecules? The scientists among you probably already
know. But for the rest of you, that's a story for another day ... Related Posts |
Posted by
Howard Lovy
2/26/2004 07:16:00 PM
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Posted by
Howard Lovy
2/26/2004 08:24:00 AM